Asphalt & Recycled Material
Combining our knowledgeable and dependable team, with our quality materials, ensures your partnership with PWY will result in using reliable products on which you can count. Our company understands the importance of safety, efficiency, and teamwork. We take pride in our longevity in this industry, and our customers can trust we will continue to be there in the future, standing behind our products and services.
PWY provides a variety of asphalt materials, aggregate products, and recycling options.
Asphalt Products
We have produced Hot-Mixed Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) since the late 1930s. Our industry has evolved over the past seventy years, emphasizing longer pavement life with better design, quality control, and testing. We supply projects throughout the Portland - Vancouver metro area.
PWY has both ODOT and WSDOT mix designs for your projects. We can produce 250 tons an hour with our 4-ton batch plant and 2 heated silos and maintain ODOT certifications for our materials testing lab and staff. Our lab is equipped with the latest testing equipment, including the Gyratory compactor. We monitor Gradation, Oil Content, and full Volumetrics continuously to ensure that you get the quality and consistency for which you're paying.
Recycling is the foundation of our business model; we are arguably the 'Greenest' company in Portland. Asphalt is the #1 recycled product in the world. Today we are routinely recycling 20% Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) into our new product. We process our RAP from clean millings, and fresh asphalt spoils only. We make a special effort to crush and screen our RAP so that it integrates into our new product seamlessly while maintaining Gradation, Oil Content, and Volumetrics according to the current specifications.
Open-Graded or Porous Asphalt is becoming more popular among design engineers because it allows them to run stormwater back into the subgrade and not into the sewer system. We have an ODOT specified 1/2" Open-Graded (Porous) asphalt mix design that is working very well. Production scheduling can be difficult, so plan ahead.
Warm-Mix Asphalt (WMA) is the latest and greatest breakthrough in paving. WMA ( may be the way of the future; this technology allows us to produce at lower temperatures (250 degrees F), using less energy, while being equally workable and compactable. Evidence suggests that making it at lower temperatures gives the pavement better durability and ultimately longer life. We are now creating WMA for pilot projects. We will collect data and feedback from our customers to determine the viability of mass-producing this product for the Portland-Metro market.
You can purchase Cold-Mix asphalt in bulk or convenient 50-pound bags. We produce a high-performance polymer-modified Cold-Mix developed by Unique Paving Materials (UPM), 'The Good Stuff' for permanent pothole repair.
Aggregate Products
We produce ODOT specification 3/4 - 0 Base Aggregate from concrete demolition spoils received from the Portland- metro area. Our Recycled Concrete base Aggregate. (RCA) is processed using only compression type crushers to minimize the generation of p200 material. Our 3/4-0 passes 5 different magnets as it is crushed, washed and screened, to remove virtually all wire and rebar. This scrap steel is shipped out to local metal recyclers. The finished product is a well-graded, clean, easily compactable material that is becoming more popular every year. We have supplied several Oregon Dept. of Transportation and City of Portland Transportation Bureau projects where the contractors have preferred this material to 'virgin' base rock.
We also recycle 'Break-out 'asphalt spoils from Metro projects. This material is processed with an Impact crusher, and we screen it to produce a 1"- 0 aggregate. The FHWA (Federal Highway Association) has approved Crushed Asphalt (CA) for use as a Base Aggregate economical Top Course for parking lots and driveways. The asphalt binder in CA gives this material the ability to bind together when properly placed and compacted. CA can be effective as Sub-Base, Base, and Top-Course.
Demolition Brick also finds its way to PWY. We have recently made an effort to separate the brick into a separate area for processing. We recycle the waste brick to produce a 'Green' landscaping material designed to compete with red 'lava rock.' We have several loyal customers that use this product for flower beds, paths, driveways, and parking lots.
Early in the processing of our RCA 3/4 - 0 Base Aggregate, we screen out the finest portion and stockpile it as Crusher Screenings. This product is an excellent and economical fine graded fill material that is very compactable.
Recycling Options
PWY has recycled and reclaimed quality aggregates from the building industry for over 20 years. Our goal is to recycle 100% of the construction spoils we receive into environmentally friendly products that perform as well as the non-renewable resources they replace. Our approach to recycling is quality driven.
We produce ODOT specification 3/4 - 0 Base Aggregate from concrete demolition spoils received from the Portland-metro area. Our Recycled Concrete base Aggregate. (RCA) is processed using only compression type crushers to minimize the generation of p200 material. Our 3/4-0 passes 5 different magnets as it is crushed, washed and screened, to remove virtually all wire and re-bar. This scrap steel is shipped out to local metal recyclers. The finished product is a well-graded, clean, easily compactable material that is becoming more popular every year. We have supplied several Oregon Dept. of Transportation and City of Portland Transportation Bureau projects where the contractors have preferred this material to 'virgin' base rock.
We also recycle 'Break-out 'asphalt spoils from Metro projects. We process this material with an Impact crusher, and we screen it to produce a 1"- 0 aggregate. The FHWA (Federal Highway Association) has approved Crushed Asphalt (CA) for use as a Base Aggregate economical Top Course for parking lots and driveways. The asphalt binder in CA gives this material the ability to bind together when properly placed and compacted. CA can be effective as Sub-Base, Base, and Top-Course.
Demolition Brick also finds its way to PWY. We have recently made an effort to separate the brick into a separate area for processing. We recycle the waste brick to produce a 'Green' landscaping material designed to compete with red 'lava rock.' We have several loyal customers that use this product for flower beds, paths, driveways, and parking lots.
Early in the processing of our RCA 3/4 - 0 Base Aggregate, we screen out the finest portion and stockpile it as Crusher Screenings. This product is an excellent and economical fine graded fill material that is very compactable.